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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Connect FB to BLOG

Knowliz, Disqus, Blogger
Experimenting various commenting systems for some time.  And I tell you, it was a tough decision to choose one of them.  IntenseDebate, Disqus and JS-Kit are the most popular options available for the blogging community.
Though every service has its advantages and disadvantages.  At the same time, there is no one service which is perfect.  Almost all provide you the facility of threaded commenting, replying the comments through email and moderating and flagging spam comments easily.
But finally the deciding factor will the kind of feature you are looking for and the interface user see and experience when you add that commenting service on your blog.
As I said, it was a tough decision to make, but I am happy to mention that I finally made a choice of enabling DISQUS on Knowliz.  For me, the only deciding factor was – with DISQUS I can enable Facebook Connect as well.  So I don’t have to worry about another customization to add Facebook connect.
Step involved to enable Facebook Connect using DISQUS for Blogger Blogs:
  1. Register at DISQUS.
  2. Add your website/blog details.
  3. Take a backup of your current blog template and save it for later use, in case you wanna roll back.
  4. Follow the online prompts on DISQUS and then save your Blogger template.  (You just enabled DISQUS on your Blogger blog)
Now to enable Facebook Connect the steps are as follows:
  1. Login to Facebook and ‘Create an App for your blog‘ to get an API and Secret Key.  See below:
  2. Remember to use as the Callback URL while creating Facebook Application page.



Karena banyaknya comment ԁаrі Teman teman уаnɡ ingin berhenti ԁаrі program sms premium ԁаrі berbagai penyedia sms content tapi tidak tahu bаɡаіmаnа caranya? kami аkаn mencoba membantu memberikan informasi bаɡаіmаnа caranya υntυk berhenti ԁаrі layanan tersebut. :)

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

News Flash

Kabar gembira bagi penggemar band rock Linkin Park. Chester Bennington cs akan kembali menggelar konser di Jakarta beberapa bulan lagi.
Hal itu pun diungkapkan Linkin Park lewat akun Twitter mereka. Rencananya, band yang populer lewat hits 'Crawling' dan 'One Step Closer' itu bakal menemui para penggemarnya di Indonesia pada September mendatang.
"Jakarta, Indonesia. We're coming. September 21. Stadion Utama GBK. See you soon." tulis akun @linkinpark baru-baru ini.
Saat ini, Linkin Park memang tengah menggelar tur 'A Thousand Suns World Tour'. Tur itu untuk mempromosikan album terbaru mereka, 'A Thousand Suns' yang dirilis pada 2010 lalu.
Konser Linkin Park kali ini digelar oleh promotor Big Daddy. Dalam situs mereka, tiket konser itu dibandrol dengan harga Rp 1,2 juta untuk festival, Rp 2,5 juta untuk kelas yellow, Rp 1,9 juta untuk kelas blue, Rp 1 juta untuk kelas green, Rp 750 ribu untuk mid section dan Rp 550 ribu untuk sides section. Rencananya, tiket akan mulai dijual pada 18 Juni di Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta Selatan.
Sebelumnya, band asal California, Amerika Serikat itu pernah menggelar konser mereka di Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta Utara pada 13 Juni 2004. Sekitar 30 ribu penonton menyaksikan penampilan Chester Bennington, Rob Bourdon, Brad Delson, Joe Hahn dan Mike Shinoda.

Monday, June 6, 2011



Serangan virus jenis VBScript masih sangat tinggi, ini terbukti dari banyaknya laporan yang mengeluhkan perihal virus jenis script ini. Satu virus yang melesat tinggi ke urutan pertama adalah Discusx.vbs. Bila Anda masih ingat dengan virus ini, di Virus Top-10 edisi Maret 2008 yang lalu, virus Discusx.vbs berada di urutan 5, namun kali ini dia melesat naik ke urutan pertama. Berikut daftar selengkapnya:
Spoiler for virus 1:
1. Discusx.vbs
Virus VBScript yang satu ini, memiliki ukuran sekitar 4.800 bytes. Dia akan mencoba menginfeksi di beberapa drive di komputer Anda, termasuk drive flash disk, yang jika terinfeksi akan membuat file autorun.inf dan System32.sys.vbs pada root drive tersebut. Selain itu, ia pun akan mengubah caption dari Internet Explorer menjadi “.:iscus-X SAY MET LEBARAN! [HAPPY LEBARAN ?!]::.”.
Spoiler for virus 2:
2. Reva.vbs
Lagi, virus jenis VBScript yang lumayan banyak dikeluhkan oleh beberapa pembaca. Ia akan mencoba menyebarkan dirinya ke setiap drive di komputer Anda termasuk drive flash disk. Pada drive terinfeksi akan terdapat file reva.vbs, autorun.inf, dan shaheedan.jpg. Selain itu, ia pun akan mengubah halaman default dari Internet Explorer agar mengarah ke situs lain
Spoiler for virus 3:
3. XFly


Sunday, June 5, 2011



Fort Minor is the hip hop music side project of Mike Shinoda, vocalist of the rock band Linkin Park. Shinoda's first solo album as Fort Minor, The Rising Tied, was released in 2005 with the singles "Where'd You Go" featuring Holly Brook and Jonah Matranga and "Remember the Name" featuring Styles of Beyond.
Shinoda had been studying piano since 1993. Soon after graduating from high school in the mid-1990s, Shinoda joined drummer Rob Bourdon, guitarist Brad Delson, bassist Dave "Phoenix" Farrell, and DJ Joseph Hahn to form the band Xero, renamed Hybrid Theory in 1998. The next year, singer Chester Bennington joined the musicians, who finally renamed the group Linkin Park. The band was signed to Warner Bros. Records in 1999 and released its debut album Hybrid Theory in 2000. In Linkin Park, Shinoda provided rap vocals in its hit singles "In the End", "Crawling", "Somewhere I Belong", and "Bleed It Out" and keyboards for numerous other tracks. He also designed cover artwork for the band's albums. Hybrid Theory was nominated for three Grammy Awards and sold over 24 million copies.


News Flash

Green Day, Band Terbaik Sepanjang Masa

Band yang terdiri dari Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt dan Tre Cool ini  sejajar dengan band rock ternama macam The Beattles, Led Zeppline, Queen hingga Rolling Stone.

Posisi pemuncak dari daftar 'Top 10 Best Rock Bands' diduduki grup musik dari Liverpool, Inggris, The Beattles.

Sepuluh band terbaik sepanjang masa ditentukan melalui polling yang dilakukan Parade terhadap fans mereka di situs jejaring sosial Facebook.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fun Facts

 Studi pada 22 relawan remaja laki-laki ini meminta relawan duduk selama satu jam di kursi nyaman dilanjutkan makan siang. Di kesempatan terpisah, relawan bermain video game dilanjutkan makan siang.

Menariknya, game mendorong remaja mengonsumsi 80 kalori lebih banyak saat makan siang. Setelah makan siang, ilmuwan memeriksa darah relawan guna melihat apakah subyek memang menjadi lebih lapar setelah bermain game.

Namun ilmuwan tak menemukan bukti game mempengaruhi rasa lapar.




Apa jadinya bila tiba-tiba ponsel Anda melakukan panggilan (nelpon) sendiri ke nomor lain? Atau sedang asyik telepon, tiba-tiba putus begitu saja. Padahal tak ada masalah sama sekali, baik diponsel maupun jaringan operator yang digunakan.
Bingung khan...? ga usah bingung dulu,
Bisa saja ada yang iseng ngerjain Anda. Nah, Anda pun bisa melakukan hal serupa, asalkan ponsel yang digunakan telah di instal aplikasi khusus, yakni "Magic Blue Hack".

Penasaran ingin mencoba aplikasi tersebut, berikut langkah-langkahnya:

Langkah 1
Download aplikasi Magic Blue Hack dari
Atau bisa mendownloadnya langsungf dari ponsel, ketik > Quick Download > isikan kode 29748

Langkah 2
Setelah terinstal di ponsel, jalankan aplikasi ini. Namun, sebelumnya pastikan Bluetooth ponsel Anda telah di aktifkan. Menu > Connectivity > Bluetooth > On.

Langkah 3
Berikutnya, koneksikan ponsel Anda dengan ponsel target operasi. Caranya, dengan memilih menu options > Connect



Belum lama ini, kita sempat kedatangan sama band metal dari Eropa, "Bullet For My Valentine" (BFMV). Grup musik beraliran Metalcore ini berasal dari Bridgend, Wales. Grup ini dibentuk pada tahun 1998 oleh 5 mahasiswa di sebuah studio di kampus mereka, Bridgend College. Nama "Bullet For My Valentine" merupakan nama baru yang sebelumnya band mereka bernama "Jeff Killed John". Mereka mengawali karir di dunia musik dengan memainkan musik Nirvana dan Metallica, kemudian pada sekitar tahun 2002 merilis singel You/Play With Me. Mereka mendapat dukungan dari Greg Haver, seorang produser perusahaan rekaman.
Band ini bisa dijadikan sebagai obat untuk para pemuja metal di dunia. Sebab, mereka pasti sudah bosan dengan musik yang biasa dan kurang METALLL!!! Sebelumnya, Band Metal asal California, Avenged Sevenfold telah mengunjungi Indonesia yang kedua kalinya. Sekarang sudah mulai bermunculan Band metal generasi Muda baik di dunia maupun di negara kita sendiri. Kita bisa lihat suksesnya band2 metal internasional di belantika musik dunia. Tapi adakah band metal yang sesukses Avenged Sevenfold misalnya, di Indonesia. Musik Metal memang tak begitu diminati di Indonesia. Kebanyakan musik yang sukses paling hanya musik pop yang itu-itu aja. Sekarang hanya paling Band sperti Kobe, Koil, Log guns dan Betrayer yang masih eksis. Akan terwujudkah Indonesia sebagai Negeri Metal??????


Friday, June 3, 2011


by: Mas Doyok 

Banyak hal kecil bisa dilakukan untuk mengenalkan blog kita. Facebook adalah salah satu jalan terbaik. Facebook digunakan banyak sekali blogger dan juga kita bisa mencari pelanggan 'loyal' baru dari kalangan non-Blogger. Hal kecil yang bisa mencolok dan menarik perhatian adalah memanfaatkan Status Generator sehingga nama blog kita selalu terlihat saat kita update.

Sekedar mengingatkan silahkan baca tuntas mengenai cara memasang banner blog di facebook, memasang iframe di facebook, juga memasang feed blog hingga video youtube di facebook dalam kumpulan tutorial Facebook. (Baca: Kumpulan Integrasi Blog dan facebook)

Untuk membuatnya sangat mudah.
1. Sekarang silahkan Anda buat aplikasi baru dengan pergi ke
2. Tentukan nama aplikasi Anda. Isi dengan Alamat blog Anda misal Pilih Setuju lalu klik tombol Buat Aplikasi Baru.

3. Anda akan dibawa ke halaman pengaturan aplikasi.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good Charlotte

Early years & self-titled album (1995-2001)
Good Charlotte started out by playing at small bars. They soon caught the attention of punk rock band, Lit, whose song "My Own Worst Enemy" was a chart topper at the time. Good Charlotte lost the opening slot on Lit's East Coast tour in 1999. Soon after, Good Charlotte played some dates with the band Blink-182, who had just experienced mainstream success with their album, Enema of the State. All of this caught the attention of major music labels, and Good Charlotte eventually signed with Epic Records in 1999.

In 2000, they released their self-titled debut album, Good Charlotte. Y100, a now-defunct radio station in Philadelphia spun Good Charlotte's song "Little Things" before it was released as a single. It ended up being a big success on the station, so big that on Y100's nightly "Cage Match" competition (where new songs were pitted against each other and listeners could vote on which was better), "Little Things" won fifteen nights in a row, beating out bigger names, before it was retired to the cage match hall of fame.

Good Charlotte also gained a lot of momentum and popularity from "Little Things" being played by now defunct Washington radio station,99.1 WHFS. WHFS's annual music concert, the HFStival, hosted a locals only stage and is credited with being Good Charlotte's big break.

"Little Things" was later released as a single in 2001, and peaked at #23 on the U.S. Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart. In the second half of the year, three more singles were released from the album, "The Motivation Proclamation", "The Click" and "Festival Song".

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Slipknot are a band that you either love or hate – but you can’t deny that they are one of a kind. With frantic stage shows, band member in masks and boiler suits and three drummers playing different beats – they are awesome live and have brought out tons of songs you can always mosh to!
Slipknot are from Des Moines in Iowa and are Nu-metal. They formed in 1995 and started out writing and playing songs in a basement. They were initially known as Pyg System, but decided to name themselves Slipknot, after their one of the first songs they wrote (a couple of years later they ran into trouble with a knitting magazine with the same name!)
SlipknotThey have had many members of the group (one of which became a Christian and decided that he couldn’t be in the band anymore) but the current membership of the group hasn’t changed since 1999: Sid Wilson, Joey Jordison, Paul Gray, Chris Fehn, Jim Root, Craig Jones, Shawn Crahan, Mick Thomson and Corey Taylor. Instead of using their names in the band, each person is known by a number ranging from 0-8 and is recognised by a specific mask that they wear.
In 1999 the band released their debut album Slipknot which was acclaimed for its intensity and brute force. Their second album Iowa was released in 2001. By then the band had built up a strong base of fans – who were known as maggots.
In 2004 the band released Vol 3: (The Subliminal Verses). Their fourth album will be released in August 2008… Other Clothing can’t wait to hear it!!